DHEA, short for dehydroepiandrosterone, is an important hormone that is produced naturally in the body. It is considered a "prohormone" because it can be converted into other hormones like estrogen and testosterone. DHEA levels peak around age 25 and then steadily decline as we get older. This decline mirrors an overall age-related drop in hormone levels. Researchers believe that restoring DHEA levels by taking supplements may help slow some effects of aging and improve well-being in certain groups.

What Does DHEA Do in the Body?

DHEA serves many important functions. Here are some of the key roles this versatile hormone plays:

  • Immune function - DHEA helps regulate cytokine production and immune cell activation to support overall immune defenses.
  • Bone health - DHEA contributes to optimal bone density by promoting bone formation and helping prevent excessive bone breakdown.
  • Muscle growth - By increasing testosterone and insulin-like growth factor levels, DHEA aids muscle protein synthesis to help increase lean muscle mass, particularly in older adults.
  • Mood support - DHEA has broad effects on mood and well-being by influencing neurotransmitter activity, stress responses, energy levels, and more.
  • Heart health - DHEA supplements lower inflammation and oxidative stress involved in atherosclerosis and hypertension.

DHEA Level Testing

Since DHEA declines naturally over decades of life, checking DHEA sulfate (DHEAS) blood levels offers insight into adrenal gland function. Testing may be ordered if symptoms like persistent fatigue, low libido, or poor sleep occur.

DHEA supplements are typically only recommended if DHEAS levels are found to be low to optimize deficient adrenal hormones.

Try our DHEA supplements to restore youthful hormone levels.

Who Might Benefit From DHEA Supplements?

Research on the safety and effectiveness of DHEA supplementation is still emerging. But some studies suggest groups who may gain benefits include:

  • Older adults dealing with age-related decline in DHEA levels
  • Those with below-normal DHEAS levels from blood testing
  • People looking to improve aspects like energy, bone density, mental clarity, immune function, body composition, and cholesterol profiles

Of course, anyone considering DHEA supplements should first consult their doctor at Restore Health Clinic to determine if they are appropriate. Lifestyle measures should also be prioritized before trying supplementation.

Overall, the research shows promise for DHEA therapy; however, more large-scale and longer-term studies are still required to fully demonstrate safety and validate applications in medical treatment.

I hope this breakdown gives you a helpful overview explaining this vital hormone! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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