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Bioidentical hormone therapy, also referred to as bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), involves using hormones that are molecularly identical to those naturally produced in the human body to supplement declining levels. This emerging field aims to alleviate unpleasant symptoms of hormone imbalance and enhance wellbeing. At Restore Health Clinic, we specialize in customized bioidentical hormone therapy to help both men and women feel their best. This comprehensive guide outlines everything you need to know - from treatment basics to optimizing results. We're honored to support your journey toward optimal health.

What is Bioidentical Hormone Therapy?

Bioidentical hormone therapy utilizes lab-made hormones from plant sources that are biologically equivalent to human hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.

It differs from traditional hormone therapy in that bioidentical hormones:

  • Have the same chemical structure as hormones made by the ovaries, testes, and adrenal glands
  • Bind to human hormone receptors similarly to naturally made hormones
  • Get metabolized and utilized by the body identically to human hormones

Meanwhile, widely prescribed non-bioidentical versions contain chemically altered hormones that may not fully bind to receptors or get metabolized properly.

The goal with bioidentical hormone replacement is to supplement declining hormones and replicate healthy physiological levels to resolve deficiency symptoms. Treatment gets tailored to the patient's needs through regular blood tests.

When prescribed and monitored appropriately by a trained professional, research suggests bioidentical hormones can provide notable benefits over traditional options.

Why Bioidentical Hormones?

There are several key reasons bioidentical hormone therapy tends to be the preferred approach over conventional hormone replacement:

1. Improved Efficacy and Tolerability

Since bioidentical hormones identically match human hormones, they can bind to receptors efficiently and mimic natural functioning in the body.

This generally makes them more effective at relieving deficiency symptoms like hot flashes, low libido, fatigue, and mood changes.

The molecular compatibility also means the body is less likely to register bioidentical hormones as foreign substances. Hence, patients typically experience fewer side effects.

2. Customization and Flexibility

Conventional therapy takes a "one-size-fits-all" strategy, administering standardized doses to all patients.

In contrast, bioidentical hormone plans get personalized to each patient's physiology and needs through bloodwork and symptom evaluation. This enables truly customized care.

Doses can also be tweaked over time per an individual's changing requirements, allowing for greater flexibility.

3. Wider Variety of Options

Besides oral tablets, bioidentical hormones also come in transdermal forms like gels, creams, and patches. This allows for flexibility in dosing and delivers the benefit of avoiding "first pass" liver metabolism.

The extensive choice of preparations and combinations enables physicians to tailor not just the dose, but the delivery method and hormones used to each patient.

Overall, the efficacy, flexibility, and low side effect profile make bioidentical hormone replacement an appealing option for those seeking to regain hormonal balance naturally.

Come experience the benefits of bioidentical hormones.

Signs and Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance

Becoming deficient in key hormones is an unavoidable part of aging. But many symptoms that get chalked up to "normal aging" stem from correctable hormone depletion.

Common signs and symptoms include:

Estrogen Deficiency

  • Hot flashes
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Mood changes like anxiety/depression
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Brain fog, memory loss
  • Low libido
  • Bladder control issues

Testosterone Deficiency

  • Low libido
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Increased body fat
  • Poor concentration
  • Reduced motivation

Progesterone Deficiency

  • Anxiety
  • Irregular periods
  • Infertility
  • PMS symptoms like bloating and headaches
  • Sleep disruption
  • Low bone density

These issues often develop gradually as hormone levels shift. Many write off subtle changes as just getting older, not realizing treatment can provide major symptom relief.

We recommend getting tested anytime unpleasant symptoms emerge to determine if they could relate to hormone imbalance. Identifying and correcting deficiencies at the root cause level then alleviates downstream effects.

Key Bioidentical Hormones and Their Roles

There are over 50 hormones essential for optimal health. Here, we overview the main bioidentical hormones used for replacement therapy:

Hormone Roles and Benefits
Estrogen Regulates menstrual cycle, maintains bone density, influences blood clotting factors, impacts heart health, supports skin collagen status, influences brain function and mood
Progesterone Regulates menstrual cycle, supports pregnancy, builds bone density, improves sleep quality, balances mood, increases libido, offers cardiovascular and anti-inflammatory effects, enhances insulin sensitivity
Testosterone Boosts lean muscle mass gains, reduces fat mass, impacts motivation, confidence and competitiveness, regulates distribution of body fat, influences mood, mental clarity and memory, controls blood sugar levels, increases libido and sexual functioning
DHEA Modulates immune functioning, brain health, bone density, heart health markers and energy levels

Supplementing any of these key hormones to optimal levels under a doctor's guidance can dramatically improve symptomatic deficiencies.

Benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

Relieving bothersome symptoms through hormone balancing enables patients to get back to feeling their best. It empowers living life to its fullest.

Beyond resolving individual symptoms, research-backed benefits include:

Regain Energy and Vitality

Balancing key hormones like testosterone, thyroid, and DHEA to youthful ranges helps combat fatigue. Patients find themselves with renewed vigor for family, work, and hobbies they'd neglected when unwell.

Restore Sex Drive and Function

Libido naturally wanes with age, impacting relationships. Supplementing DHEA, testosterone, or estrogen as needed restores sexual desire and functioning for both women and men.

Reclaim Cognitive Sharpness

Estrogen and testosterone enhance factors like memory, alertness, and processing speed. Optimal levels help combat "brain fog" and improve cognitive performance.

Reduce Anxiety and Depression

Hormone changes can undermine mental health. Correcting cortisol, estrogen, or testosterone imbalances boosts mood and equanimity.

Fitness Gains

Adjusting testosterone and growth hormone levels supports building lean muscle and burning fat, aiding sports performance and body composition goals.

Strengthen Bones

Estrogen and testosterone act synergistically to maintain bone mineral density and guard against osteoporosis.

Reduce Heart Disease Risk

Estrogen helps regulate cholesterol levels and inflammatory processes tied to heart disease progression. Optimizing it reduces cardiovascular risk.

With wide-ranging benefits from improved wellbeing to supporting key aspects of health, there are immense upsides to addressing hormone deficiencies.

Seek balance with bioidentical hormones.

Types of Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

If testing reveals suboptimal hormone levels, restoring balance through bioidentical hormone replacement can provide life-changing benefits.

The specific treatment plan gets customized based on the patient's lab results, symptoms, and lifestyle considerations. Doctors may suggest:

Type of Therapy Description
Oral Therapy Taking hormone tablets by mouth once or twice daily, such as oral progesterone, estrogen pills, or DHEA supplements
Transdermal Therapy Hormones absorbed through the skin via creams/gels applied daily, patches changed twice weekly, or pellets inserted under the skin every 3-6 months
Injections Testosterone, estradiol, or human growth hormone (HGH) administered via regular deep muscle or subcutaneous injections

Within these categories, therapy may involve individual or a combination of bioidentical hormones to comprehensively restore balance.

Follow-up blood tests help ensure hormone levels normalize in a safe, optimal range with treatment adjustments as needed over time. Most report significant improvements in a few short weeks once levels stabilize.

Restore Health Clinic Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Process

At Restore Health Clinic, your restoration journey kicks off with an extensive one-on-one new patient assessment covering:

  • Health history
  • Symptom onset
  • Lifestyle and goals
  • Previous treatments
  • Family history

Next, we conduct thorough lab testing to identify biochemistry imbalances or deficiencies underpinning symptoms.

Our physicians then get to work designing a fully customized therapy plan - from the bioidentical hormones used to the dose and delivery method. Treatment frequently includes nutritional and lifestyle suggestions to optimize results.

Follow-ups in the first months involve blood analysis, dosage adjustments if necessary, and tracking symptom improvements. We also provide ongoing patient education and support.

The comprehensive, collaborative approach enables remarkable transformations as the body regains balance. We feel honored to guide patients toward reclaimed health and vitality.

Lifestyle Tips for Optimal Hormone Balance

While bioidentical hormone replacement can provide immense relief from deficiency symptoms, lifestyle habits also impact hormone levels and overall health.

We encourage holistically supporting optimal balance through:

Nutrition: Providing the essential building blocks through a micronutrient-rich diet benefits the endocrine system. We emphasize fruits, veggies, high-quality proteins, healthy fats, and fiber.

Stress Management: Lowering cortisol and stress hormone surges through yoga, meditation, journaling, massage, or nature time protects hormone equilibrium.

Quality Sleep: Getting 7-9 hours nightly maintains circadian rhythms tied closely to hormonal pathways.

Exercise: Being active, especially lifting weights, supports natural hormone production and balance as we age.

Joy and Community: Pleasure, purpose, laughter, and social connection powerfully influence hormone creation and response. Make time for what fuels your soul!

A comprehensive approach combines appropriate bioidentical hormone replacement targeting deficiencies with supporting whole-body wellness through a hormone-friendly lifestyle. This synergistically helps patients thrive.


We hope this guide enhanced your understanding of how customized bioidentical hormone therapy can help resolve deficiency symptoms for optimized health and wellbeing.

At Restore Health Clinic, supporting patients to look and feel their best guides our practice. We consider it a privilege to serve on your journey toward balance and vitality through precision hormone correction.

To learn more or schedule a consultation, please reach out. We're excited to support your path toward feeling vibrant and whole!

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